Category: Fitness

Lower oestrogen levels with physical activity
The more you move, the less oestrogen circulates through your body. Biostatisticians at the University of Maryland published the results of a study t [...]

Vitamin D helps maintain muscle after 50
People in their 50s who don't do any exercise or physical work lose a little bit of muscle and with it strength as the years pass. Taking a moderate [...]

20gram Whey shake for easier fatloss
Athletes who do weight training and want to lose weight can keep their appetite under control – and therefore also increase the chance of their weig [...]

Fight fat with half a gram of Rutin
You may have heard of rutin as a compound that protects blood vessels, but according to South Korean researchers the same stuff may offer protection [...]

Citrulline increases muscle mass and reduces fat
If you are heading towards old age, a daily dose of the alpha amino acid L-citrulline may help reduce the amount of fat and increase the amount of mu [...]

Lose fat and gain lean muscle with melatonin
Long-term supplementation with a low dose of melatonin reduces fat reserves by a couple of kilograms and increases lean body mass by almost the same [...]

Fitness foods make you fat
Many people who want to lose weight do so by eating less. They become 'restrained eaters'. But according to health scientists Joerg Koenigstorfer and [...]

Testosterone boosters Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum are beneficial to fit athletes
Extracts from the mushrooms Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum boost athletes' testosterone levels. And they lower cortisol levels too. The [...]

Weight loss success with Psyllium
You're looking to slim down your fat rolls and have reduced the number of calories you consume at meals. This works, but it increases your feeling of [...]

Fructose makes you lazy and fat
If you consume large amounts of sugar you'll not only get fatter, you'll also get fatter faster than if you consume large amounts of glucose. That's [...]

Chia Seed oil for Endurance athletes?
Some years ago we wrote that endurance athletes perform well on chia seed. This is not the case for chia seed oil, according to an article in Nutr [...]

Fat loss with Acai
Supplementation with acai - scientific name Euterpe oleracea - might reduce the amount of body fat you're carrying, a Brazilian animal study publishe [...]

Intermittent fasting can build muscle mass, increase endurance and fat loss
We are not aware of it, but our eating habits are pretty unnatural. We eat from the moment we wake up to when we fall asleep again. If we can break t [...]

Strength training + glass of milk + tablespoon leucine = more muscle
You do resistance training and you want to build muscle, but you can't be bothered with all those fiddly protein shakes. Why not just add 4 g leucin [...]

High reps good for building muscle mass, not strength
If you do weight training to build muscle mass, you may as well use weights that you can do 30 reps with instead of weights that you can only manage [...]