by Matt Weik
If you’ve been following my work for any amount of time, you know I often recommend meal prep services. I’ve tried a few in the past and decided to give Eat Clean Bro a try. For those of you who are trying to build muscle or lose body fat, it’s no surprise that your nutrition and the food you put in your mouth will make or break your results. While you can take one day during the week and meal prep all of your meals, a meal prep company like Eat Clean Bro could be an even easier solution.
In this article, I’m going to go through my personal experience using Eat Clean Bro. This is not a paid review or advertisement, and no one at Eat Clean Bro has contacted me or told me what to say in this article. My experience and thoughts are strictly my own.
With that being said… let’s dig in! (A little food humor)
Why Would You Even Need a Company Like Eat Clean Bro?
To put it bluntly, I suck at cooking. It’s not that I can’t do it, but unless it revolves around a grill, I’m pretty much worthless in the kitchen. I would need to purchase bags of minute rice, bags of steamed vegetables, and quite frankly, I just don’t have the time to prepare my meals. I get it! “Matt, that’s such a lame excuse.” Yeah, yeah… I know. But I have three little ones at home, and it’s hard enough to sit down to eat anything as is before one of them needs me to get them something.
I used to take Sundays to prep all of my protein on the grill, but, unfortunately, once the temperatures get cold here in Pennsylvania, my outdoor grilling is cut short thanks to the freezing weather making its way through. So, I’ve been in limbo for some time trying to figure out what I wanted to do in order to solve my problem.
When I worked for MET-Rx and traveled to New Jersey frequently to visit accounts, I would always stop by a place called Muscle Maker Grill. They were all over the place in NJ, and I’d load up on meals for the week while there, so I wouldn’t need to hit up a restaurant or eat something like fast food. I found out about Eat Clean Bro through some friends recently, and it just so happens that they are based out of NJ as well.
While I don’t travel to NJ anymore, I found out that Eat Clean Bro can ship my meals to me even though I’m not within their delivery territory. So, I ordered a few meals, and here are my thoughts.
My Experience and Thoughts, Bro
First, I love the “cool factor” that the brand has. I call everyone bro, the slang used in a business name clearly states that these cats like to have fun and seem like people I’d get along with and get behind. But you’re not here to read about why I like the use of “Bro,” but instead, you want to know the meat and potatoes about Eat Clean Bro. (See what I did there? I have jokes and puns for days, bro!)
So, here’s the answer to the million-dollar question… “Did I like the meals and food from Eat Clean Bro?” My answer is an emphatic YES. To be honest, I didn’t have high hopes going into it. The brands I’ve tried in the past (I won’t name names) left me thinking I was chewing rubber with all of the protein options and the carbs weren’t all that appetizing. With Eat Clean Bro, it literally had the taste of a freshly cooked meal – even though I had to pop the meals in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Best of all, I didn’t have to do any dishes or slave over preparing the meal!
I ordered steak meals, chicken meals, shrimp meals, protein pancakes, and even some chocolate peanut butter protein balls. Bro… you can insert whatever joke or meme here that you want, but those protein balls are INSANELY good. I gave one to my wife and one to my oldest son, and when their eyes lit up like a Christmas tree after trying them, I knew I had to hide them immediately, or I’d come back to them polished off.
The Eat Clean Bro delivery came with two huge ice packs to keep the meals fresh and tons of padding to prevent the plastic containers from getting crushed or damaged. Looking at their website, the meals are good for around four days when kept in the refrigerator (my meals didn’t last that long because I couldn’t wait to try them).
Now, for the next big question…
Is Eat Clean Bro Worth the Money?
Personally, I look at it as an investment. Sure, I’m eating and consuming my investment, but it’s an investment in my health and fitness – and can you really put a price on that?
But when looking at the cost of the meals and compare it to something you would order at a restaurant, it’s an excellent deal. Now, I know it’s not going to literally be freshly plated and put in front of you like it would be if you just placed an order from Outback Steakhouse, but the flavor of the food and overall quality of the ingredients are exceptionally high.
You have the ability to make substitutions with your meals. So, for instance, if you don’t like the asparagus that it comes with, you can simply substitute it for broccoli or another carb source. They even have a la carte options if you simply wanted to get a protein source to add additional protein to your meals, wish to use it with your own carb source at home, or maybe you’re keto and just wanted the protein to use as part of your meal.
Overall, I highly recommend Eat Clean Bro. My experience has been great. I’ve communicated with people there when I had questions and can’t speak any highly of them and their service. If you’re looking for a meal prep service to handle your nutritional needs, give them a try.