by John McKiernan
(NaturalNews) Yohimbe, found in the bark of the evergreen tree, Pausinystalia, has gained much popularity, not only as a treatment for impotence, but also as an effective tool for decreasing body fat. In 1938, the alkaloid yohimbine HCL (hydrochloride) was discovered to be the active component responsible for most of the effects of the yohimbe bark. This compound has now been isolated and is sold as both an aphrodisiac and fat loss aid. Although yohimbe HCL is the most important constituent in yohimbe, it is likely that it contains other alkaloids that contribute to its effectiveness.
How does it work?
Yohimbe works by widening blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the appendages. It is also thought to increase fatty acid mobilization. Yohimbe stimulates the central nervous system by causing the body to produce more noradrenaline. Nitric oxide levels are also increased which dilates the blood vessels. The combination of both increased blood flow and energy contribute to yohimbine HCL’s effectiveness as an aphrodisiac; however, the exact reason yohimbine HCL works so well as an aphrodisiac is still unclear.
Increased sexual performance in both men and women
Yohimbe is also known to increase genital sensitivity in both men and women by stimulating nerves in the sacral region. If you’re interested in yohimbe for its aphrodisiac properties its best taken immediately before sex. Over the past few decades, yohimbe has made a name for itself as one of the most effective natural supplements for improved sexual performance in men and women. One study pulished in the International Journal of Impotence Research in 1997 showed that yohimbine HCL was significantly more effective than a placebo. Subjects reported increased sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, frequency of sexual contacts, and quality of erection during sex.
Burning the fat
Manufacturers of many fat burning supplements that exist today understand just how effective yohimbe can be, which is why you will commonly see it listed as one the main ingredients in some of today’s top selling fat burners. Instead of forking over the cash for these overpriced blends, you can simply purchase the raw ingredients that comprise them. You will find that yohimbe is among the most popular of these ingredients.
Experiencing the results for yourself
Although the evidence for yohimbe as a fat loss aid is only anecdotal, it doesn’t mean its not effective. As many people are aware, there are many highly effective natural supplements that aren’t officially approved for the treatment of anything at all. What’s more is that most of the companies that produce pricey weight loss aids and impotence drugs, as well as other pharmaceuticals, often conduct their own trials, testing their products. Needles to say these results can’t be trusted. You’re much better off in most cases purchasing a pure supplement, made from a single, natural ingredient, rather that a name brand supplement or drug.
Side effects
Most of the possible side effects of yohimbe are related to an increase in neurotransmitters which can result in a rise in blood pressure and heart rate as well as headaches, dizziness, anxiety, nausea and sleeplessness. You should consult your medical professional before taking yohimbe if you are taking any other prescriptions. You should also avoid yohimbe if you have high blood pressure, heart disease or kidney disease.
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About the author:
John Mckiernan is a health and fitness writer. He is the owner of Supplement Helper where he writes supplement reviews and more. He also manages CNA Info, a small blog aimed at answering questions for anyone interested in CNA work.