The legalized killing of every person on earth (with pesticides)

The legalized killing of every person on earth (with pesticides)
by Jonathan Landsman

(NaturalNews) Can you imagine making a profit by killing or maiming millions of innocent men, women and children – everyday? Companies like, The Dow Chemical Company, DuPont and Monsanto produce some of the deadliest pesticides on the planet. These pesticides are slowly killing people (everyday) and damaging our environment for generations to come.

Don’t become a victim of ignorance. Learn how to protect you and your family from the toxic effect of chemicals within our environment by listening to the next NaturalNews Talk Hour. Don’t miss one of the most positive, upbeat and inspirational programs of the year! Visit: and enter your email address for free show details.

“Thank you Jonathan for the constant feed of life changing and empowering information – it is much appreciated!” – Regina

The greatest threat to human health

Your life literally depends on a clean, healthy intestinal tract. Naturally, the use of pesticides, herbicides or other toxic chemicals on our food supply should not be allowed – right? Yet, a chemical-producing corporation, like Dow – the creator of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (a highly toxic pesticide/herbicide) is allowed to legally poison every person on a daily basis.

In fact, 2,4-D is the most widely used herbicide in the world, and the third most commonly used in North America. This deadly ingredient was heavily used in the production of Agent Orange – sprayed all over Vietnam during the Vietnam War. When are we going to put a stop to all this madness and save humanity!

One man helping millions of people worldwide

Harvey Diamond is an amazing validation to the healing power within each and every one of us. Harvey triumphed over a painful and debilitating muscular condition called “Peripheral Neuropathy” brought on by being exposed to Agent Orange while serving his country in Vietnam. Although he did not prevail entirely unscathed, thanks to his considerable understanding of the human body, Harvey is one of the longest known survivors of this devastating condition to still be walking around on his own without assistance.

Pesticides, like 2,4-D can be stored in your colon – where they will slowly start to poison you to death. For example, believe it or not, when you eat a non-organic apple – you are consuming around 30 different toxic pesticides that have been sprayed on that piece of fruit. The highest pesticide levels exist on strawberries, apples, carrots, celery, spinach, grapes and cucumbers. If you want to be healthy – learning about detoxification is a must!

The NaturalNews Talk Hour begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Click this link – and enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

This week’s guest: Harvey Diamond, best-selling author of FIT FOR LIFE

Harvey Diamond will talk about how to thrive in a poisonous world – Thu. Mar. 8

Harvey Diamond is one of the most celebrated and successful health authors in history – certainly one of today’s truly great health thinkers. He has been studying and teaching the principles of healthful living for 40 years and is recognized as one of the most effective and well-respected authors on the subject of health in the world.

He is considered to be one of the original pioneers credited with helping shift people toward a healthier eating lifestyle. His books, FIT FOR LIFE have sold nearly 14 million copies in 34 languages and are read in over 80 countries. In fact, Harvey has helped literally millions of people worldwide to not only dramatically improve their health, but also to overcome serious, catastrophic disease, including cancer!

A shocking story! Our first (surprise) guest will reveal how children are being systematically used as guinea pigs for experimental pharmaceutical drugs – without their consent! In addition, find out from Harvey Diamond how we can protect ourselves (and thrive) in a toxic world.