Ron Paul admits in speech to public that the FDA And Big Pharma ‘are in bed together’

Ron Paul admits in speech to public that the FDA And Big Pharma ‘are in bed together’

(NaturalNews) Ron Paul makes a groundbreaking admission to the public on tape – that the FDA and Big Pharma are indeed “in bed together,” both building up their monopolies and only interested in making more money. The Republican presidential candidate confirms that the corrupt corporations are running the show, that the FDA is doing more harm than good and many other eye-opening admittances.

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Ron Paul: It never works that way. You know, your safety and your drugs, for instance, it sounds like a reasonable thing. You want safety in your drugs. But the FDA and the drug companies are in bed together and they squeeze out competitions and build up their monopolies and they love government medicine because they make more money. The insurance companies and the drug companies, whether it’s Democrats or Republicans reforming the medical care system, these corporations run the show. You know, they support it, it’s because the government doesn’t take it over. It’s the corporations that end up taking over. So, it’s well intended but I think it always backfires on us and that the people we’re wanting to regulate end up writing their own regulations.

Reporter: So in that particular case would the reasonable alternative being no FDA?

Ron Paul: I think so because, I don’t think, I think they’ve done more harm than good because sometimes it might take them 25 years to allow a good drug to come onto the marketplace and the rules and regulations inhibits the options of the physician to use drugs for anything other than not approved by the FDA, which means it slows up research and the cost goes up and then when it’s approved by the FDA, guess what happens? If you’re on the inside track of that- I’m the FDA- today I approve this drug, tomorrow, their drug company’s value, their stock goes up fifty fold. Just because a bureaucrat made this decision. So, it’s a protection of the corporation is basically what it is. People weren’t dying from bad drugs before we had the FDA. I mean, it just didn’t happen. There’d be other agencies that would do this. There’d be no reason to assume that all of a sudden, the drug companies have it in their interest to give you a bad drug.

Reporter: Well, I’m not sure what fits in there and it’s hard to prove a negative, but are you assuming that there are no bad drugs

Ron Paul: There’s plenty of bad drugs, and the FDA’s permitted a lot of them to get on the market, too. I mean bad drugs on the market now. Did you ever see a PDR? They’re about that big and about half of them are useless. But if it’s FDA approved- and what does the FDA do when it comes to alternative or natural products? The FDA and the drug industry keeps them off the market. A natural drug product, alternative health care, freedom of choice, it is obstructed from those making those free choices. So it’s there to protect the drug industry. They very often do exactly the opposite. I believe in free choice on picking alternative care rather than having it licensed through the FDA and these drug approvals. It delays, it costs so many- this is one reason why drug costs are so high, because it goes through years and years and years of litigation and getting approval, and that’s a source of making drug costs much higher in cost.

Reporter: So how did we get to this mess? Let’s just stick with FDA or go with Nuclear Regulatory Commission, but how is it that this body of burdensome regulations was allowed to develop? Is it parts of the private sector finding ways to protect themselves or what?

Ron Paul: I don’t know, I haven’t done a detailed history of exactly this but my assumption would be that it’d be a lot of well noted people saying, well, we need these regulations to help the people and protect the people. But those individuals and the companies that are involved immediately leap to it and take over and find out how they can keep out their competition. What industry it is, whether it’s the housing industry, housing insurance, it’s always to squeeze the little guy out and protect the big industries. Competition serves the competitor who is trying to compete with big industry, and I don’t like to see government protecting big industries and big corporations.