What Happened To British Dragon Steroids?

What Happened To British Dragon Steroids?

British Dragon is a manufacturer of various types of anabolic steroids. For many years, they were one of the most recognized names in these sorts of drugs, and were almost thought to be an authority on them. However, various sorts of legal trouble occurred, and the company was completely restructured sometime between 2007 and 2008. Today, they have reformed and are seeking to be viewed as a legitimate pharmaceuticals manufacturer. Despite that, though, the name British Dragon remains synonymous with the steroid black market, and many people continue to believe that their products were far superior to those of many other companies.

What Did British Dragon Make?

During its heyday, British Dragon produced a huge variety of different anabolic steroids. Some of the most popular and most recognized names included Stanabol, Decabol and Mastabol. Since most anabolic and androgenic steroids are only available via a prescription, users could not simply walk into a store and grab a bottle of British Dragon products. Therefore, an underground market for these steroids arose, with many people paying a premium for these supposedly superior drugs. Additionally, many illegal British Dragon labs have been busted over the years, as users attempted to cash in on the British Dragon name and image.

British Dragon Today

For a while, British Dragon completely vanished from the scene. It was supposedly being restructured, and today has what appears to be a legitimate website (www.britishdragon.com) which displays their pharmaceutical grade steroids. The company has a prominent disclaimer on their site, warning people to beware of impostor versions of British Dragon steroids; it goes on to warn that any “genuine” British Dragon products must be extremely old, as new batches have yet to be made. Using old, outdated and expired steroids is quite dangerous, and British Dragon posts a stern warning regarding this and advising people not to use outdated anabolic steroids.

Product Pics:

The only legitimate online shop that we know of at this time to purchase British Dragon products is www.world-pharma.org


The company was completely restructured in beginning of 2008 and has at that time made a new business plan which includes manufacturing in a new WHO-GMP certified factory by all GMP standards and guidelines. British Dragon products are currently in Phase 2 of clinical trials and once all documentation is finished the first batch of products should be available in May 2009. British Dragon will initially register its products in several countries worldwide – Two Asian Countries, Two Countries in East Europe, and Four South American Countries. In these countries British Dragon Products will be available in pharmacies with doctor’s prescription for legal use.


www.BritishDragon.com is the only official domain of British Dragon. All other domains that seem to be associated with British Dragon present counterfeit products. The quality of these products is not guaranteed by British Dragon and they are potently hazardous to your health. British Dragon takes no liability for use of products that cannot be verified as authentic British Dragon product.

All original British Dragon products come in a box with BD-PSS security seal consisting of a label with hologram which covers a security code. Do not use British Dragon products that come without a box or without the BD-PSS seal. Do not use British Dragon products that you cannot verify through the BD-PSS system as they are most probably counterfeit and potentially hazardous.

First line of products

British Dragon is glad to announce that the first line of products has left our facility and the products are available on the market. Do note that all British Dragon products are protected by our BD-PSS system. BD-PSS consists of state of the art hologram and security verification number. All End-customers are advise to verify the legitimacy of their product by verifying the security number on our web-page.

We advise all customers to check the BD-PSS on their product for each and every product. BD-PSS is designed in such a way that it is destroyed if it is tampered with and customers are advised to return any products that show signs of tampering with. Given the amount of counterfeited British Dragon products we must emphasize not to use any British Dragon products that don’t have BD-PSS hologram and number or it is damaged. Using unverifiable producst can be lethal!

Counterfeited British Dragon products

We receive countless email inquiries whether the British Dragon Product purchased is a legitimate British Dragon product, with some people even adding pictures of the received product. Everybody should be aware that British Dragon has not manufactured any products in years and at the moment THERE ARE NONE LEGITIMATE British Dragon products available anywhere. New products were not yet made and our best estimate at the moment is September or October.

In regards to old batches please understand that they were made 5 or more years ago, and expiry period of our products is not more than 3 Years. So please understand that ALL products currently offered on the market are 100% counterfeits, regardless of the source.

Using counterfeited medical products is potentially lethal! Counterfeited products are only made with profit in mind, are not produced to any pharmaceutical standard and are usually are full of bacteria and are potentially hazardous. Majority of Counterfeieted products are made in China and are than either smuggled out of the country. Counterfeiters are abusing the good reputation of British Dragon to sell their low-quality products and in the end tarnish the British Dragon reputation.

The only legitimate online shop that we know of at this time to purchase British Dragon products is www.world-pharma.org


British Dragon is a pharmaceutical manufacturer dedicated to manufacturing high quality products. To sustain and even improve the quality of our products our Research & Development Team is continuously working out new methods for manufacturing and testing of our initial products as well as working on development and testing of new hormone related products.

British Dragon will initially manufacture only generic pharmaceutical products in strict accordance with WHO-GMP manufacturing Practices. Generic product is a product developed by a third party Company who’s patent has expired. For a generic product to comply it has to contain the exact same amount of active ingredient as well as exact portions of excipients and solvents as in the original drug.

British Dragon also plans to manufacture and register its own, proprietary licensed products. The products are currently being developed by our R&D department and Clinical trials are expected to begin early 2010. Given the work-load, time required for the clinical trials, final authorization, etc, British Dragon Proprietary products are not expected to be released before 2011.

British Dragon Product Production Video:


Official British Dragon Website: www.britishdragon.com