Category: Weight Loss

1 2 3 12 15 / 172 POSTS
7 Deadly Sins of Weight Loss

7 Deadly Sins of Weight Loss

by Matt Weik Remember when you were young and could eat just about anything and your metabolism would simply do the rest? Ultimately, never se [...]
Drink water and lose weight

Drink water and lose weight

If you can teach yourself to drink ordinary tap water when you're thirsty, and avoid juices and soft drinks, you'll find it much easier to reach a [...]
Does Excessive Weight Loss in Female Competitors Cause Health Risks?

Does Excessive Weight Loss in Female Competitors Cause Health Risks?

by Matt Weik The industry today is definitely not lacking hardworking women. In fact, today there are more female competitors than ever before [...]
Weight loss diet while physically inactive speeds up loss of muscle mass

Weight loss diet while physically inactive speeds up loss of muscle mass

A few months ago we wrote that a surplus of calories during a period of physical inactivity speeds up muscle breakdown. This finding tempted us to s [...]
The Key to Weight Control Is Exercise, Right?  Wrong.

The Key to Weight Control Is Exercise, Right? Wrong.

by Matt Weik We are programmed into thinking that if we exercise, over time we are able to maintain or lose weight—that the two are directly co [...]
Did Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution Destroy Your Relationship?

Did Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution Destroy Your Relationship?

by Matt Weik For most, New Year’s resolutions have come and gone in a blaze of glory. Those old habits of lack of exercise and fat-filled food [...]
Time-Restricted Feeding and Weight Loss

Time-Restricted Feeding and Weight Loss

by Matt Weik Broscience once told us that we should eat 5-7 small meals (every 2-3 hours) a day in order to help lose weight and shed body fat. [...]
Cancer Risk Increases with Your Weight

Cancer Risk Increases with Your Weight

by Matt Weik Obesity and cancer are two things that are plastered in front of our face every day of our lives. It’s something that we can’t se [...]
Your Bathroom Scale Lies to You

Your Bathroom Scale Lies to You

by Matt Weik A scale. Most of us have them in our homes—whether we decide to use them or not, they sit there on the bathroom floor. What exac [...]
Use Weed to Lose Weight?

Use Weed to Lose Weight?

by Matt Weik If I were to tell you that individuals who use weed everyday are thinner than those who don’t, you’d think I was smoking something [...]
Lose fat with Acai

Lose fat with Acai

Supplementation with acai - scientific name Euterpe oleracea - might reduce the amount of body fat you're carrying, a Brazilian animal study publi [...]
10 minutes of interval training 3 times weekly will make you fitter, healthier and slimmer

10 minutes of interval training 3 times weekly will make you fitter, healthier and slimmer

If you spend just ten minutes doing interval training three times a week you'll find yourself becoming noticeably fitter, healthier and slimmer. Can [...]
Crash diet works better without carbs

Crash diet works better without carbs

You need to lose a couple of kilos in a few weeks. The only solution: a strict diet with fewer than a thousand calories a day. You're guaranteed to l [...]
Get simmer and more muscular with fish oil

Get simmer and more muscular with fish oil

Taking a fish oil supplement boosts calorie expenditure and fat burning while doing low-intensity exercise, and it stimulates the growth of muscle ti [...]
600mg of Ashwagandha helps with building muscle and burning fat

600mg of Ashwagandha helps with building muscle and burning fat

If bodybuilders or other strength athletes take ashwagandha they build up more muscle and lose fat more quickly, write Indian researchers in the Jour [...]
1 2 3 12 15 / 172 POSTS