Category: Steroids
Cheat This, Not That: Hypocrisy, Ethics and Performance Enhancement
by Jack Darkes, PhD, Rick Collins, JD, Dan Gwartney, MD, and Jason Cohen, PsyD
Anabolic steroids demonized while Viagra, Adderall and breast im [...]
Commercial Relationships in the Online Steroid Market
by Anthony Roberts
Online pharmacies, generally speaking, have a bad reputation for scamming customers by selling counterfeit goods, or not del [...]
Dimethandrolone (DMA) & Dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU)
by Anthony Roberts
Dimethandrolone (DMA)(7a,11b-dimethyl-19-nortestosterone)
Dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU)(7a,11b-dimethyl-19-nortes [...]
What People Search for When They Search for Steroids Online
by Anthony Roberts
Unlike traditional street drugs, or narcotics, anabolic steroid sales adapted quickly to the advent of online marketplaces, [...]
Steroid Bust in Spain: Drug Trafficking?
by Matt Weik
If you’ve been following my work, you know I could care less about steroids and people who use them. From professional athletes, [...]
Researchers Prove PED Use Among Other Athletes
by Matt Weik
I would say “lately” but over the past several years there has seemed to be a witch-hunt going on with our industry. Everyone wan [...]
The Gamble of Fatal Gear Usage
by Anders JP Eskilsson
Competitive bodybuilding at its highest level demands tremendous discipline. Its much harder than anyone outside of the [...]
Who to Turn to in a Jungle of Juice
by Anders JP Eskilsson
When it comes to drugs, it doesn’t matter how many warning signs are put out in the corners of society, people will stil [...]
Steroids users nine times more likely to rupture tendons
Strength athletes who use anabolic steroids rupture their tendons a whopping 9 times more often than strength athletes who stay clean, write resea [...]
Biggest study on cardiovascular side effects of steroids brings bad news for users
A small number of human studies, a large number of case studies and loads of animal studies have already shown that anabolic steroids are not goo [...]
Who Should Get Juiced to the Gills?
by Anders JP Eskilsson
Almost all people in pursuit of building a better physique will, sooner or later, think about using performance-enhancin [...]
Long-term anabolic steroid use in athletes
Elite athletes who used steroids decades ago are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety disorders and ruptured tendons - but not from card [...]
Site Injection Growth – Fact or Myth?
by Josh Hodnik
Over the years, there have been many debates on if true localized muscle growth occurs at the site where anabolic steroids, IGF- [...]
A bodybuilder and a rare nervous system disorder following anabolic steroid use
Three weeks after starting a second cycle, a healthy 24-year-old bodybuilder became ill. He developed a rare disorder of the nervous system - his [...]
A Look Back at the Life of the Original Steroid Guru Dan Duchaine
by Josh Hodnik
Dan Duchaine is a name that many attached to the bodybuilding industry don’t know much about today. To me, that is sad, because [...]