Category: SARMS

Peptides in Bodybuilding – Are They Really Safe?

Peptides in Bodybuilding – Are They Really Safe?

by Josh Hodnik Peptides have become increasingly popular among bodybuilders over the last decade. The number of different chemicals that are [...]
You spread Eli Lilly’s new SARM on your skin

You spread Eli Lilly’s new SARM on your skin

Researchers at Lilly Research Laboratories in Indianapolis are studying a new SARM. It comes in the form of a gel that you can spread on your skin. T [...]
How safe is SARM S23?

How safe is SARM S23?

SARM 23 can be found in some webstores that sell research chemicals online. Not much is known about the working or side effects of SARMs in humans, so [...]
LG121071, ACP-105 and LGD-3303: three SARMs you probably haven’t heard of

LG121071, ACP-105 and LGD-3303: three SARMs you probably haven’t heard of

SARMs such as S4, MK-2866, LGD-4033, YK11 and RAD140 are familiar names in the chemical sports world, and no doubt there are many more on the horizon. [...]
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