Category: Anthony Ellis

How do I gain muscle not fat?

How do I gain muscle not fat?

Question:I tried to eat more calories, but I just gained fat! I know that you recommend eating more calories to gain mass, but I seem to be getting fa [...]
I don’t seem to be making progress with my weight training.

I don’t seem to be making progress with my weight training.

Question:I’ve been weight training for 3 years, and I’m not seeing any weight gain progress. I started out at 138 lbs. I train 7 times per week hard. [...]
How to gain weight without having to eat more?

How to gain weight without having to eat more?

Question:How to gain weight without having to eat more? I work in the internet security field and I have a problem that Iforget to eat I got to a poi [...]
How much muscle can I gain?

How much muscle can I gain?

Question:How much muscle can I gain? Answer:While it is true that someone who has ALREADY gained a large amount of muscle mass (such as a professiona [...]
How do you eat 6 meals a day in the real world?

How do you eat 6 meals a day in the real world?

Question:How do you eat 6 meals a day in the real world? Answer:Anthony, I know you recommend eating six times per day, but how do you do it? I simpl [...]
Does alcohol prevent muscle gain?

Does alcohol prevent muscle gain?

Question:Does alcohol prevent muscle gain? Answer:What’s the deal with drinking? I love to party and drink on the weekends, but I still want desperat [...]
Never judge the validity of what a person says by how they look!

Never judge the validity of what a person says by how they look!

Question:Never judge the validity of what a person says by how they look! Anthony, at the gym the other day some big guy told me that to get big I ne [...]
How to target your inner pecs for massive growth!

How to target your inner pecs for massive growth!

Question:How to target your inner pecs for massive growth! I’ve been training for a few months and I’m seeing some good progress, but I can’t seem to [...]
No muscle gain after 3 years!

No muscle gain after 3 years!

Question:No muscle gain after 3 years! Help! Anthony, I’ve been weight training for 3 years, and I’m not seeing any weight gain progress. I started o [...]
Do you recommend weight gainer powders to gain muscle?

Do you recommend weight gainer powders to gain muscle?

Question:I really want to gain weight badly so I bought a weight gainer powder recommended by the supplement store salesperson.Do you recommend these? [...]
Is working out for 2 hours too long?

Is working out for 2 hours too long?

Question:I’ve been weight training for 3 years, and I’m not seeing any weight gain progress. I started out at 138 lbs. I train 7 times per week hard. [...]
Do you recommend free weights or machines?

Do you recommend free weights or machines?

Question:Free Weights or Machines? Why do you recommend using free weights on your weight gain website Are they really necessary [...]
If you have a high body fat, lose the fat before gaining mass!

If you have a high body fat, lose the fat before gaining mass!

Question:If you have a high body fat, lose the fat before gaining mass! I really want to gain more muscle, but I’m afraid I will gain fat. I’m not yo [...]
More training doesn’t equal more muscle!

More training doesn’t equal more muscle!

Question:More training doesn't equal more muscle! I’ve been weight training for 3 years, and I’m not seeing any weight gain progress. I started out a [...]
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