Could a Gym Membership Be the Best Way to Grow Your Business?

by Matt Weik

While this article may not be EVERY person who goes to the gym, it absolutely applies to many of those who have and use their gym membership regularly. Sure, there are people who have a gym membership who may never fall into the categories I’m about to mention, just like there are plenty of people who don’t have a gym membership who do fall into these categories.

The main takeaway I want you to focus on with this article is how you can leverage your gym membership to learn how to build and grow a business by simply having a gym membership and actively using it.

Good People Go to Gyms

When you’re starting a business or thinking about starting a business, your gym membership could help you grow. The gym is full of good people who help others. Who else can you find at the gym? Other like-minded business owners. You have the ability to bounce ideas off of these individuals and network.

Rarely do you find people who are in a bad mood when working out and who refuse to talk to people and isolate themselves. For the most part, everyone is glad to be there and getting in a killer workout.

People with Gym Memberships Are Looking for Improvement

If you go to the gym, you’re going there to improve your health and fitness, right? Maybe it’s to burn off some stress and get away from the world for a minute? Regardless, people who go to the gym are all looking for some sort of improvement.

Putting yourself into an environment where people are constantly looking to improve themselves is where you want to be if you’re looking to follow suit. They say you’re the average of the five people you keep the closest to you.

Those in the gym are people who tend to be self-motivated and have that entrepreneurial spirit of going out there, grinding, hustling, and putting in the work to see progress. They aren’t afraid to get under the bar and dig deep to promote changes in their health and physique. Mental strength and physical strength tend to go hand-in-hand.

Smart People Have Gym Memberships

While a gym membership isn’t an accurate measure of your IQ, if you are willing to put in the work at the gym to improve your health and physique, you clearly have some level of intelligence.

People, for some reason, look at the gym and bodybuilders and assume they’re all muscle and no mind. This isn’t the case. Most bodybuilders have extensive knowledge about training, nutrition, and the human body. They are able to take that knowledge to help transform their physique and get on the stage to compete professionally and recreationally.

Those who exercise also tend to want to improve other aspects of their life and business by constantly learning. Just like with changing workouts and learning new training protocols, many people tend to educate themselves on self-improvement and business. You can learn a lot from connecting with these individuals.

People Value Their Health and Will Spend Money to Preserve It

Those who value their health will tend to spend money to preserve it. That means they’ll buy healthy and nutritious food, they’ll hit the gym consistently, and they are regimented in their lifestyle to accommodate the results they are looking to achieve. This transfers over into business as well.

If you have a business that helps people, it will align with what others in the gym are trying to accomplish. If you can free up time or money to someone, that’s going to be one less thing taken off of their plate or will make them feel more confident in their decision to save money by using your service or product. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Gyms Are Full of BIG Thinkers

Growing a business comes down to networking and building a community. Gyms are full of people who think big and who have big dreams and aspirations. You want to surround yourself with those kinds of people. They can be a great source to bounce ideas off of, get questions answered if you stumbled upon a sticking point with your business, or be someone you can network with who can help you or help connect you to the right people in their network. Heck, they can even turn into your customers.

Far too many people put their headphones on, pull their hat down low, and never communicate with people in the gym. While there’s nothing wrong with simply staying in your lane and staying focused on your workout, you’re missing an excellent opportunity to connect and network with others. This doesn’t mean sit on the bench and chat for 30 minutes instead of crushing a workout. But chatting in the lobby, chatting when between sets resting, and chatting in the locker room could absolutely help you grow your business.

Train with Those Who Inspire You

Let’s take things one step further. Rather than chatting with people in passing, why not make them your training partner – assuming they work out at the same time as you and your schedules jive?

Now, not only do you have someone to help push you during your workouts, but you have someone who can help push your business as well. Chatting with someone about business, things that you’re seeing and doing, asking questions about how they are overcoming X, Y, and Z can drastically help you move your business forward.

Training with another business professional is a great way to hold each other accountable and push each other not only personally through the workout but professionally as well.