by Chris Marzarella
In part one of this 3 part series, we discussed how we can utilize Daily Undulating Periodization (DUP) to not only get stronger, but also gain muscle in a quicker and more efficient manner.
The benefit of DUP is that it has so many combinations of sets, reps and protocols, that it is impossible to list all of the different ways one can utilize it. One important component is to know exactly what your goal is. In other words, train specifically for your sport.
Setup for a Powerlifter
The three methods that most powerlifters will want to concentrate on are strength, hypertrophy and power. Before starting, you need to establish your one repetition maximum (1RM). This is invaluable, so be smart and work wisely. You need to perform some mobility work (I suggest DeFrancos Agile 8), as well as warm-up. Take ample rest periods and don’t exhaust yourself with the warm-ups. At the very least 3 to 5 minutes in between sets.
Real one rep maxPick a weight and gradually get to that weight as your 1RM, with excellent form. I cannot stress this enough-You MUST use meet form. |
Estimated one rep max(Weight × Reps × .0333 + Weight = Estimated 1RM)Example: Squat 315 lbs x 6 reps x .0333 + 315 lbs = 377 lbs is your estimated one rep max.
This must be in true meet form for every single repetition. To do this, pick a weight that you know you can do for 3-5 repetitions at the most and strive for more. |
For powerlifting, an off-season mesocycle should concentrate on the development all three components but with an emphasis on hypertrophy and strength. Speed (power), come into play, and will be worked on during the week. A word of caution: Don’t try to do hypertrophy after a strength day because you will not be fully recovered. The week’s sessions or microcycle, will concentrate on the listed objectives above.
An off-season powerlifting template:
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 5×3-5 (80% of your 1RM) with a rest of 3-5 minutes in between sets. |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 6-8×3 (50-60% of your 1RM) with a rest of 30-45 seconds in between sets. |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×12 (65-70% of your 1RM) with a rest of 1-2 minutes in between sets. |
Saturday | Assistance Work(hypertrophy sets and reps work well here 3-4x 8-12) Pick a single compound move for shoulders, hamstrings, back width, Arm work, abs and calf work | Everything else is covered here, and should not be the main lifts covered in days 1-3. |
Another off-season template:
Monday | Bench (Strength)Squat (Hypertrophy)Deadlift (Power) |
Wednesday | Squat (Strength)Deadlift (Hypertrophy)Bench (Power) |
Friday | Bench (Strength)Deadlift (Hypertrophy)Squat (Power) |
Saturday | Assistance Work(hypertrophy sets and reps work well here3-4x 8-12) Pick a single compound move for shoulders, hamstrings, back width, Arm work, abs and calf work |
If you are peaking for a meet, my suggestion would be to minimize the assistance work on Day 4:
2 months out
Week 1
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 5×3, plus one single at 80% of your proposed goal of your meet. (85% of your 1RM). Then, one single at 90% of your proposed goal.. |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 6-8×3 (60% of your 1RM) with a rest of 30-45 seconds in between sets. |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×12 (70% of your 1RM) with a rest of 1-2 minutes in between sets. |
Saturday | Assistance Work(hypertrophy sets and reps work well here) | Cut down on assistance work, but don’t eliminate it completely. |
Week 2
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 5×3, no singles (85% of your 1RM). |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 6-8×3 (60% of your 1RM) with a rest of 30-45 seconds in between sets. |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×12 (70% of your 1RM) with a rest of 1-2 minutes in between sets. |
Saturday | Assistance Work(hypertrophy sets and reps work well here) | Reduced assistance work |
Week 3
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 5×3, (85% of your 1RM). plus one single at 85% of your proposed goal of your meet. Then, one single at 95% of your proposed goal.. |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 6×3 (60% of your 1RM) with a rest of 30-45 seconds in between sets. |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×12 (70% of your 1RM) with a rest of 1-2 minutes in between sets. |
Saturday | Assistance Work(hypertrophy sets and reps work well here) | Reduced assistance work |
Week 4 (Deload week-this is MEANT to be less taxing)
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 3×5, subtract 40% of weight and go for all 5 reps |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×3 subtract 20% of weight and go for all 3 reps in 30 second rest periods between sets |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×12 subtract 30% of weight and go for all 12 reps
Saturday | Assistance Work(hypertrophy sets and reps work well here) | Reduced assistance work |
One month out from your meet, cut all assistance work out completely. This is the last month before the meet, so save all of your energy for the the meet.
Week 1
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 5×3 (87% of your 1RM), plus one single at 85% of your proposed goal of your meet. |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 6-8×3 (70% of your 1RM) with a rest of 45 seconds in between sets. |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×8-12 (75% of your 1RM) with a rest of 1-2 minutes in between sets. |
Week 2
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 5×3,(87% of your 1RM).no singles, rest 5 minutes between sets. |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 8×3 (70% of your 1RM) with a rest of 45 seconds in between sets. |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×8-12 (75% of your 1RM) with a rest of 2 minutes in between sets. |
Week 3
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 1 set of 5 (80% of your 1RM).1 set of 3 (85% of your 1RM).1 all out effort of as many as possible, but at 10% of your meet goal. 5 minutes rest between sets. |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 6-8×3 (75% of your 1RM) with a rest of 45 seconds in between sets. |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×8 (75% of your 1RM) with a rest of 1-2 minutes in between sets. |
Final Week; 1 week before meet.
This is NOT meant to be a challenging week. It is for a better mindset, and just to get some blood flowing. Don’t work to a sweat.
Monday | Strength Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 3×3, subtract 40% of weight and go for all 5 reps |
Wednesday | Power (Speed) Squat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×2 subtract 30% of weight and go for all 3 reps in 45 second rest periods between sets |
Friday | HypertrophySquat/Bench/Deadlift | 4×8 subtract 40% of weight and go for all 12 reps
Setup for Post-Contest/Off-season Bodybuilder
A bodybuilder’s objectives are to concentrate on hypertrophy and some strength.
Several things can occur during the period of the off-season, especially coming off a contest. Some folks don’t know what to do next, other than binge on food and mope around with the post-contest blues. Not a great idea, but it happens to some. By the time your contest is over your body is a mess. You’ve been starving yourself of good and bad food, you’ve most likely hit some insane training methods with overreaching, and aches and pains take on a new meaning.
If one has a plan, they will happily walk into the next mesocycle with anticipation. Now, it’s all about maintaining a reasonable goal weight before entering a 12 to 16 week calorie surplus. With the amount of food you’ll most likely take in, why not use that fuel to make some new gains?
Here’s my recommendation for a 3 day full body plan, focusing on hypertrophy and strength with 4 rest days:
Day 1 (Monday) | Hypertrophy Focus 3×8-12 (65% of 1RM or pick a weight you can do with 8 reps/once you get the sets of the maximum repetition range, move up)Front SquatOverhead Press variation
Chin Ups or Pull Ups or Rack Chins (if you can’t get more than 8, use the lat pulldown) Stiff Leg Deadlift Skull Crushers Barbell Curl Cable Crunch Standing Calf Raise |
Day 2 (Wednesday) | 5×3 (80% of 1RM/on the final set, try to go beyond 3 reps, if you get 4 or 5, add only 5 lbs to your next week total, if you get 6 to 8 or more, go to 10 lbs)Back SquatBench Press
Deadlift |
Day 3 (Friday) | Hypertrophy Focus 3×8-12 (65% of 1RM or pick a weight you can do with 8 reps/once you get the sets of the maximum repetition range, move up)Leg Press
Decline Barbell Bench Press Glute Ham Raises Seated Cable Row Arnold Press Tricep Pushdowns Incline Dumbbell Curls Leg Raises to failure Seated Calf Raise |
If you want a 4 day split, with the same focus, but 3 days of rest:
Day 1 (Monday) | Upper Body Hypertrophy Focus 3×8-12 (65% of 1RM or pick a weight you can do with 8 reps/once you get the sets of the maximum repetition range, move up)Flat Barbell Bench PressLow Incline Dumbbell Press
Flyes variation Upright Rows **Deltoid Complex *(10 of Front Raises, 10 Side Laterals, 10 Rear Laterals) Repeat twice *A1) Cable Curls *A2) Tricep Rope Pushdown Bierly Abs Complex **(12 Weighted Bosu Ball Crunches, 12 Leg Raises, 12 Decline Crunches without weight, 50 Standing Barbell Twists)
*Supersets ** 3 circuits, with minimal rest in between circuits |
Day 2 (Tuesday) | Lower Hypertrophy Focus 3×8-12 (65% of 1RM or pick a weight you can do with 8 reps/once you get the sets of the maximum repetition range, move up)Leg Press with sets 3×12-15Squat
Walking Lunges Leg Extension Romanian Deadlift Lying Curls Seated Calf Raise with 4×12-15 |
Day 3 (Wednesday) | Rest with Low Impact Cardio |
Day 4 (Thursday) | Upper Body Strength Focus 5×3 (80% of 1RM/on the final set, try to go beyond 3 reps, if you get 4-5, add only 5 lbs to your next week total, if you get 6-8 or more, go to 10 lbs)Standing Overhead PressBent Over Barbell Rows
Close Grip Bench Press Barbell Curls Heavy Cable Crunch with 5×8 |
Day 5 (Friday) | Lower Body Strength Focus 5×3 (80% of 1RM/on the final set, try to go beyond 3 reps, if you get 4-5, add only 5 lbs to your next week total, if you get 6-8 or more, go to 10 lbs)DeadliftGood Mornings
Hip Thrust Front Squat Leg Press Standing Calf Raise with 4×8 |
For this next setup, full credit goes to George Greene, Director of Strength and Conditioning at the University of Mary Washington for the DUP setup below. It’s from his article entitled DUP & ITS APPLICATION FOR BODYBUILDERS
I’ve used this personally and absolutely loved the sheer volume. This will challenge you and you’ll need some supplemental support. It can be used in a bulking phase as well as pre-contest, but make sure your diet is in check!
From his article:
*Where you see the number 40/8, 50/5 etc. The first number stands for the % of your 1RM, the second number stands for the amount of reps. Therefore, if you have a 200lb bench max 40/8 would call for 80lbs for 8 reps.
Day 1: Strength Day (Lower Body)Squat: 40/8, 50/5, 60/3, 70/3, 3×80/3Leg Press: 4×5
Walking Lunges 3×5 Stiff Legged Deadlifts 3×6 Abs/Calves 3-4 sets x 6-8reps
Day 2: Strength Day (Upper Body)Bench: 40/8, 50/5, 60/3, 70/3, 3×80/3Standing Press: 4×5
DB Row 5×5 Shrugs 3×6 |
Day 3: Hypertrophy Day (Lower Body)Leg Press: 4×8Lying Leg Curls: 4×8
Stationary Lunges: 4×8 Leg Ext: 4×8 Hyperextensions: 4×8 Abs/Calves 3-4 sets x10-12 reps |
Day 4: Off |
Day 5: Hypertrophy Day (Upper body)DB Bench: 4×8Bent Rows: 4×8
Standing Overhead Press: 4×8 Dips: 4×8 Lat Pull Downs: 4×8 DB Curls paired w/ Lateral Raises paired w/ V-Bar Pushdowns 3×8 |
Day 6: Strength Day (Lower Body)Deadlift: 45/8, 55/5, 65/5, 3×75/5Front Squat: 4×6-8
Hamstring Curls: 4×6-8 Hack Squats: 3×6-8 Hyperextensions 3×10 Calves/Abs |
Day 7: Strength Day (Upper body)Incline Bench: 45/8, 55/5, 65/5, 3×75/5Weighted Chin-Up: 4×6-8
Seated DB : 4×6-8 Hack Squats: 3×6-8 Hyperextensions: 3×10 Calves/Abs |
Day 8: Off |
Day 9: Hypertrophy Day (Upper Body)Close grip bench: 3×12Pull Ups: 3×12
Cable Fly’s: 3×15 T-Bar Rows: 3×12 DB Military: 3×12 E-Z Bar Curls pair w/ E-Z Bar skull crushers pair w/ DB Upright rows 3×12 |
Day 10: Hypertrophy Day (Lower)Leg Extensions pair w/ Leg Curls 3×12-15Squats: 4×10-12
DB Stiff legged deadlift 3×10-12 Leg Press: 3×10-12 Abs/Calves 3-4 sets x 15-20 reps |
How to Progress
Linear progression The simple act of adding weight on a consistent basis, provided your sets and reps meet the required amount. Be wise with your increases. Too much and you’ll pay dearly. Fractional plates like 1 ¼ lb. plates come in handy here. I suggest going to Home Depot and buying your own that will fit on an Olympic bar. Google the term DIY fractional plates and you’ll find some great ideas for making your own. I used chains found at Home Depot and made
1 pair = 1.31lbs
2 pair = 2.63lbs
3 pair = 3.94lbs
The increases were small enough so that I didn’t really feel a huge difference, but I made impressive gains over the course of a year.
Autoregulation Autoregulatory progressive resistance exercise (APRE) is a method by which athletes increase strength by progressing at their own pace based on daily and weekly variations in performance, unlike traditional linear periodization (LP), where there is a set increase in intensity from week to week
Increased repetition range, is exactly what it is: Increase your sets but use the same weights to maximize volume. In this case, some of the workouts I’ve listed use the final set as the marker to progress. To summarize:
- If you get the minimum amount of reps on the final set, don’t move up. You’re not ready and will likely get injured because of sloppy form.
- If you get a desired number of reps, plus 2 extra, move up with a small incremental change. A total of 5lb in a wise strategy.
- If you get a number greater than 3, move up substantially. A good idea is to move up 10-15 lbs., depending on the ease of the final set and usually above 3+ reps.
Included here is a great spreadsheet designed by MariAnne “Built” Anderson author of the Baby Got Back protocol. While not a DUP setup, it’s a great protocol that I still use to this day. Google it. It’s great.
Take a look at the spreadsheet and use it to get a start on DUP. There’s a one rep max calculator on the first page, and several different styles of protocols that are setup to get you started.
There’s a lot of information in this article. I did promise more subjects to be covered, but I didn’t expect to go into as much detail as I did. Next month I will conclude with an overview of GPP, planned overreaching recovery techniques and supplemental support.
Click here to download the interactive Microsoft Excel Worksheet
DeFranco’s Training ..:: The Ultimate Way To Become A Better Athlete ::.. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2015, from
The Effect of Autoregulatory Progressive Resistance Exercise vs. Linear Periodization on Strength Improvement in College Athletes. Mann JB, Thyfault JP, Ivey PA, Sayers SP. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jun 10
DUP & Its Application for Bodybuilders. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2015, from