by Craig Titus
Can you please explain what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids are? Also, I know AAS pack on muscle and make a person stronger, but what do steroids actually do to cause the enhancements?
Good question…you would be surprised as to hop many bodybuilders and professional athletes in general who use AAS and all the while having no idea what steroids are or how they actually work. Anabolic steroids are hundreds of different medications all containing a synthetic form of the hormone testosterone, or other synthetic compounds originating in this hormone.
As most of you know, testosterone is the primary male sex hormone produced in the testis… his balls. This hormone is responsible for many male characteristics including hair growth, strength of libido, sexual organ development and the production of sperm. Testosterone is also the key hormone giving a man a heightened sense of virility, levels of aggression and an over all feeling of youth or well being. All the fore mentioned effects of testosterone are the results of androgenic properties of this hormone. hence the term “Androgenic” in the abbreviation AAS meaning Androgenic Anabolic Steroids. Now, it’s really quite simple as to how steroids work…increased testosterone production either by way of hormone boosters (Androtest) or the actual introduction of synthetic testosterone injected on the person’s body, will cause muscle growth placing the body into a “Anabolic” state…hence the term “Anabolic” in the abbreviation AAS. Keep in mind; testosterone is the sole reason men have much greater amounts of muscle tissue then woman. Now, testosterone or related compounds of hormone (AAS) place the body in an “anabolic” state by significantly increasing the rate of protein synthesis causing muscle development at a much faster rate. In addition to increased protein synthesis, steroids also increase red blood cell concentrations leading to greater oxygen capacity…resulting in tremendous “pumps” during work-outs as well as increased stamina. Also, higher levels of “Androgenic” hormones in the body, typically lead to more active development of body fat due to the “Anabolic” state, plain and simple…by increasing our :Androgen” levels from a external source such as testosterone or other related steroids, we can tremendously increase the rate in which protein is retained by our muscle. This is the primary reason for muscle growth using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. Higher levels of “Androgenic” hormones also cause water retention in muscle, connective tissue and in the joints. This much desired effect is very beneficial for bodybuilders during work-outs allowing more weight to be used while training. Steroids also increase carbohydrate storage in the muscle tissue and improves insulin sensitivity as well as glycemic control. So in summary…Anabolic Androgenic Steroids are medications containing testosterone or related compounds. AAS increase a male’s libido, his aggression level, allow for greater erections, increase strength and energy levels, give the feeling of being versatile and tremendously speed up protein synthesis significantly increasing the rate of building muscle tissue. Using steroids will support the retention of muscle and greatly improve muscle strength ad endurance. Now that I’ve explained exactly what AAS are and how they actually work, you can clearly see how AAS therapy is profoundly beneficial and crucial to the success of a bodybuilder…as well as many other athletes in various sports arenas.
If you have a question for Craig Titus please send an email via our contact form.
Craig Michael Titus was born in Wyandotte, Michigan on Jan 14, 1967. The eldest of Michael and Sandra Titus’ three children. In high school, Craig wrestled for his school team at 132lbs. After graduation, decided to put on some muscle via weight training. When Craig graduated from high school he was 5’6″ and 140lbs. By the age of 21, he was 5’9″ and 185lbs. Once he started weight training and seeing results, he was hooked. Craig’s first bodybuilding show was the 1988 Houston Bodybuilding Championships in which he won the Men’s Open middleweight class and the overall title.
Competitive Record
2002 Mr. Olympia – 11th
2002 Night of Champions XIV – 5th
2002 Southwest Pro – 7th
2001 British Grand Prix – 9th
2001 Mr. Olympia – 12th
2001 Arnold Classic – 6th
2000 Toronto Pro – 1st
2000 Arnold Classic – 10th
2000 Night of Champions – 11th
2000 Ironman Pro Invitational – 8th
1996 NPC USA Championships — 1st Heavyweight and Overall
1995 NPC USA Championships — 2nd Heavyweight
1994 NPC National Championships — 2nd Heavyweight
1994 NPC USA Championships — 2nd Heavyweight
1993 NPC USA Championships — 4th Heavyweight
1991 NPC Ironman/Ironmaiden — Overall
1990 NPC Tournament of Champions — 3rd Heavyweight
1990 NPC Western Cup — Overall
1989 NPC Houston Bodybuilding Championships — Overall