FDA caught spying on its own scientists to muzzle whistleblowers

FDA caught spying on its own scientists to muzzle whistleblowers
by S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) A massive covert and secret operation by the FDA to seek out and muzzle several of THEIR OWN SCIENTISTS, those who were seeking to blow the whistle on the FDA’s own fraud and unethical handling of information regarding cancer treatment methods, has been completely exposed. The issue actually began as a dispute between the scientists and their superiors at the FDA, in which the scientists accused the latter of “FAULTY REVIEW PROCEDURES,” which directly led to the approval of the CANCER CAUSING mammogram and colonoscopy imaging machines.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration secretly kept critics of its policy under surveillance, which is the epitome of a U.S. government agency creating a chilling fear for anyone trying to expose the fraud of the cancer “chronic care mismanagement” industry. The whole operation ensnared 21 workers, including journalists and Congressional officials.

As part of its surveillance, the FDA swept up thousands of confidential emails the scientists had with lawyers, journalists, Congressional staff and even President Obama. Although the investigation began with only five scientists, it is now revealed that the massive campaign is still in operation to suppress over 80,000 pages of documents and end the whistle-blowing on all fronts. The FDA has been caught red-handed trying to cover up a scam which adds to the blight of the $100 billion cancer industry, which is fed and bred by the FDA.

Muzzling the whistleblowers fails

This latest “SNAFU” is part of a broader, two-year long campaign to counter inside and outside critics of the agency’s medical review process. The FDA was most interested in intercepting and destroying confidential letters to at least a half-dozen Congressional offices and oversight committees, but unfortunately for the FDA, one of their private document handling contractors posted the personal emails to a public web site by mistake for a few days, and that’s when a few Congressional staff members, who are actually sympathetic to the scientists, saw the emails from the whistle-blowers. Drafts and final copies of letters the scientists sent to President Obama about safety concerns were also included.

In March of 2010, an article in The New York Times examined the safety concerns about imaging devices and quoted two agency scientists, who would later come under surveillance. Dr. Robert C. Smith and Dr. Julian Nicholas served as “ringleaders” for the group of “complaining” scientists. Lawyers for G.E. Healthcare wanted surveillance placed on the scientists because they were exposing to the media the fraud and danger of their mass money making devices. (http://www.nytimes.com)

Scientists’ computers were monitored down to the last keystroke, according to The New York Times. The FDA had pressured scientists to approve medical devices despite their own reservations about health risks, and wanted to make sure the scientists weren’t communicating this coercion with anyone. Democratic Rep. Chris Van Hollen fumed after he learned that he was on the list, saying, “It is absolutely unacceptable for the FDA to be spying on employees who reach out to members of Congress to expose abuses or wrongdoing in government agencies.”

This is proof that the cancer scam has been covered up for decades (since WWII). The fact that the FDA is spying on employees who reach out to members of Congress to expose fraud is just the tip of the iceberg. After the surveillance began, four of the five scientists lost their jobs. The unnamed scientists are suing the FDA, and say their treatment was in response to their claims of SAFETY ABUSE within the FDA.

Radiation and chemotherapy- The chemical holocaust

The bottom line is that Western medicine and the cancer industry in general offer no cures. In fact, a cure would destroy the industry by wiping out billions of dollars in profits that drug companies, radiologists and oncologists are counting on right now. This is precisely why the cancer industry dares not tell women the truth about vitamin D; for example, which prevents 77 percent of all cancers, including breast cancer. That is precisely why the “chronic care industry” has a blackout on vitamin D information while pushing hard for annual mammograms and colonoscopies that continue to cause cancer and generate repeat business. (http://www.conspiracyplanet.com)

On top of it all, global cancer rates are expected to increase by 50 percent by 2020, according to the latest report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO). Cancer is responsible for more than 12 percent of the 60 million deaths worldwide from any and all causes, and cases in the U.S. alone have increased nearly 20 percent just since the year 2000. It’s time to look into NATURAL CURES and stop believing in the agencies which profit from sickness.