by Craig Stellpflug
(NaturalNews) Soy is relatively new to our diets in the U.S. The soybean was first introduced into the U.S. at the turn of the 1900s to be used in the manufacturing of industrial products like oil, plastic and ink. Soy was not even considered a food product and was actually deemed unfit for consumption. After WWII, cultivation of soybeans in the U.S. rose to 140 billion pounds per year. Fast forward another 65 years and soy products in our food and animal feed are found everywhere.
According to the USDA, over 90 percent of soy produced in the US is genetically modified. Numerous studies prove that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) increase allergies, increases resistance to antibiotics, lower thyroid function, cause organ swelling (particularly the pancreas) and even cause cancer. Then there are high levels of glutamate, manganese, fluoride and aluminum along with toxic chemicals that food manufacturers use to process soy that toxify our bodies.
Soy choices – Fermented or not
The history of the ubiquitous soybean begins in China. But the Chinese did not eat unfermented soybean products because they recognized them as quite toxic. In fact, the early uses of soybeans in China were for the nitrogen-rich root systems that worked to rebuild soil with crop rotation – not for eating.
Unfermented soybeans contain large quantities of potent enzyme inhibitors, which block the action of trypsin and other enzymes humans and animals both need to digest protein. You do find some amounts of the same inhibitors in all seeds, grains and legumes, but in soybeans, these inhibitors are highly resistant to traditional cooking and preparation methods. These anti-nutrients in soybeans can cause serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake.
In a very large study by Ralston Purina alongside many other animal studies, diets high in trypsin inhibitors cause enlargement, pathological conditions and cancer of the pancreas.
Unfermented soybeans also contain goitrogen substances that suppress thyroid function along with hemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together. Both trypsin inhibitors and hemagglutinin are also growth depressant substances. All of these products are neutralized in the fermentation process.
Most soybean products that counterfeit traditional food items like baby formulas, some soy milks and fake meats are made with soy protein that is isolated from the carbohydrate and fatty acid components that naturally occur in the soybean. To produce soy-isolate, soybeans are ground up, cooked to a high temperature, rinsed in chemical solvent, mixed with a caustic solution, acid washed, doused with another caustic alkaline solution and spray-dried at high temperatures to make a high protein powder soy-isolate.
In rat studies, feeding soy protein isolate with even low levels of trypsin inhibitors resulted in reduced weight gain and stunted growth compared to controls.
Precocious puberty and other estrogen-driven problems of soybeans
Soy contains phytoestrogens which mimics true estrogen. In infant soy formula, the phytoestrogens consumed by the baby are equal to four birth control pills every day. With so much soy in a child’s diet, early-onset puberty has rocketed the past few decades. Estrogen overload from soybean products are also known to drive breast cancer, infertility, decreased sexual libido and uterine fibroids.
The soy ploy exposed
Advertising trickery has turned soybean products into a multi-billion-dollar industry. A Mayo Clinic study summed up soy benefits: Out of 34 supposed “benefits” of soy products, only three could be proven: Soy is a valid source of protein, lowers cholesterol, and suppresses diarrhea in infants who are intolerant to regular formula.
Although unfermented soybeans can provide a few positive benefits, unless it is fermented, soybean products not only lack the health benefits advertised, but are generally very bad for you. Americans bought the hype, bought the goods, ate the products, and now we are paying for it in both our and our children’s health.
Don’t be a sheople. Nourish your body with only fermented soy products.
Sources for this article:
The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food, by Kaayla Daniel PHD, 2005
About the author:
Craig Stellpflug is a Cancer Nutrition Specialist, Lifestyle Coach and Neuro Development Consultant at Healing Pathways Medical Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. With 17 years of clinical experience working with both brain disorders and cancer, Craig has seen first-hand the devastating effects of vaccines and pharmaceuticals on the human body and has come to the conclusion that a natural lifestyle and natural remedies are the true answers to health and vibrant living. You can find his daily health blog at and his articles and radio show archives at