Why daily low dose aspirin for heart attack protection should be discouraged
by Paul Fassa
(NaturalNews) Many of us are aware of some negative side effects from low dose daily aspirin use to prevent heart attacks. But lately, more side effects, serious ones, of daily aspirin doses are making the risks outweigh the advantages completely. Fortunately, there are natural substitutes without side effects that match or surpass the daily aspirin for heart attack protection.
Another allopathic myth that backfired
As late as 2007, a massive aspirin TV ad campaign promoting daily low dose aspirins took hold over millions, despite the growing awareness of side effects from this routine. Aspirin zombies were awakened.
Several studies had been conducted on daily aspirin use for over two decades. The studies had mixed results, mostly negative. Gastric hemorrhaging (stomach bleeding) and ulcer production affected close to one-third of the trial subjects.
That seemed tolerable to some, since second heart attacks were reduced. However, fatal heart attacks were not reduced at all by taking low dose aspirin daily.
After a few more years of observation, other side effects manifested. Those on daily aspirin regimens had a twofold increase in hemorrhagic brain strokes, which cripple and kill. In other more recent studies, kidney and liver problems appeared as a result of daily low dose aspirin.
And now, another so-called side effect from daily low dose aspirin has popped up: Blindness. The age group usually involved with daily aspirins for heart protection is in the same age group most vulnerable to Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
Wet macular degeneration is the type of AMD most likely to develop into blindness. And the rate of wet AMD occurrences among daily aspirin pill poppers was twice that of senior citizens not taking low dose daily aspirin.
So here we are with this allopathic compulsive blood thinning anti-coagulant: Just as likely to die from a heart attack, twice as likely to suffer a stroke, and very likely to undergo stomach bleeding or ulcers with maybe some kidney or liver damage.
And if you survive those “side effects”, you still may end up suffering from blindness. There must be better pills to pop, or why bother. Even though most mainstream MDs don’t know about them; there are several.
Natural heart protectors without side effects
Arginine, or L-arginine is an amino acid that can produce arterial dilation to keep arteries from constricting. Arginine generates short term nitrous oxide (NO), which acts only when needed to keep blood cells from clumping and clotting, but allows coagulation to occur when appropriate.
Vitamin K2, found in nattokinase or as separate supplements, keeps calcium from hardening along the inner artery walls of your arteries. This is usually what causes hardening of the arteries, calcification of the inner walls. K2 gets calcium out of the blood stream and into bone matter where it belongs.
Hawthorn berry has been used in Oriental Medicine for centuries. It is usually consumed as a tea. You can purchase or make your own tinctures as well, which many consider more potent than teas. Hawthorn berry is a vasodilator (artery and capillary dilator) that also strengthens the heart muscles and helps maintain regular heart beat rhythm.
Tocotrienol, found in natural vitamin E and some CoQ-10 products or even as a separate supplement, is a natural anti-coagulant without side effects.
Other beneficial natural anti-coagulants are fish oil and vitamin C. Magnesium is vital for heart health. Proper diet and exercise are the common sense lifestyle rules that serve as your foundation for heart health regardless of any medicinal supplement choices you deem necessary.