I am trying to get ripped for summer and was told to avoid fruit. Fruit is so healthy, so why is it not good on a diet?
It does seem strange that when trying to lose bodyfat it is best to avoid fruit, doesn’t it? However, while it is true that fruit is quite healthful, virtually fat free, and loaded with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, it also contains a natural sugar known as fructose. The molecular structure of fructose is such that it is very easily converted into triglycerides(fats)when passing through the liver. Because fructose is basically metabolized like a fat, it can greatly hinder your efforts toward a ripped physique. Fructose is also a poor choice for post workout nutrition, as it does little to refill muscle glycogen. Further, diets high in this sugar have also been shown to lead to insulin resistance, which can, in and of itself, lead to higher blood fats and bodyfat levels.
If you could only choose 3 exercises for your entire body what would they be?
That is an interesting question, and one that I have thought about before. After years of performing every exercise in existence I certainly developed a “pool” of favorites…exercises that seem to be the most effective for me. However, given the choice of only 3, I would probably choose deadlifts, bent over rows, and incline presses. The deadlifts would hit the major muscles of the thighs, the hip structure, and the lumbars. The bent rows would tax the lats, mid back musculature, posterior deltoid, and the biceps. The inclines would target my pecs, anterior delts, and triceps. Using these 3 movements I would utilize a variety of grips, angles, and ranges of motion in order to get the most from each one. Although you may not be able to build a “perfectly balanced” body using only 3 exercises, you still can certainly build an impressive physique!