Rich Gaspari inducted into the Muscle Beach Hall of Fame
May 30, 2011. Lakewood, NJ. Rich Gaspari, one of the most recognizable and inspirational personas in
bodybuilding and sports nutrition today, will be inducted into the Muscle Beach Hall of Fame on Monday,
May 30, 2011 at 1:00pm. The ceremony will be held at the ocean front location in Venice Beach made
famous by Arnold Schwarzenegger and will be capped off with the dedication of a plaque in his name.
This prestigious honor has been bestowed upon Rich to follow the legends that precede him including
Larry Scott, Reg Park, Steve Reeves, Franco Columbu, Corey Everson, and Jack LaLanne among
others. Elaine LaLanne will be in attendance as Muscle Beach pays its final farewell to Jack. Award
winning actor Ryan Phillippe and boxing sensation Sugar Shane Mosely will present Rich Gaspari the
Muscle Beach Hall of Fame award. Parade of athletes and National Anthem will begin at 1:00pm and will
include a March Air Reserve Base C-17 flyover.
Nicknamed the “Dragon Slayer,” Rich was both feared and admired by his peers for his groundbreaking
conditioning and freakish muscularity. His success as a competitor, attributed to his scientific approach to
diet and training, and notoriously brutal work ethic, is a testament to a man who, though not as genetically
gifted as many of his competitors, toppled nearly every giant of his day.
Crowned the first ever Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic Champion in 1989, some of Rich’s other titles
include the Mr. America –known now as the NPC Nationals, Mr. Universe, Professional Mr. World, and
three time runner up of the biggest and most coveted title in professional bodybuilding, the Mr. Olympia.
As President/CEO of Gaspari Nutrition, Rich remains committed to his roots, giving back to the sport by
supporting over 100 contests worldwide, sponsoring both amateur and professional athletes. To quote
Rich, “It is really a dream come true to be able to spread the message of health and fitness through
Gaspari Nutrition. I look forward to playing an important role in the lives of fitness minded enthusiasts and
athletes for many years to come.”
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