Will Brink is one of the few fitness gurus I’ve encountered that has NO hidden agenda, and has consistently stood by his principles in a field where you can make a LOT of money bamboozling people. Will’s “no-BS” reputation is well-earned – what you see/hear/read is what you get… and what you get is straight-up common sense and a whole lot of solid, practical information.That includes information on creatine, which he’s studied for years. Recently, Will produced a series of short videos on the subject that are worth viewing by anyone wanting to get the most out of taking this supp. Check ‘em out below the fold.
Getting The Most From Creatine
The Creatine Bloat:
Creatine: Should You Cycle It?:
Creatine Loading:
Creatine Stability:
Creatine Monohydrate vs. Other Forms of Creatine:
See Will Brink’s Top Selling Books Online Here:
About the Author:Will Brink is a columnist, contributing consultant, and writer for various health/fitness, medical, and bodybuilding publications. His articles relating to nutrition, supplements, weight loss, exercise and medicine can be found in such publications as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
Be sure to check out Will’s best selling ebooks: www.BodyBuildingRevealed.com and www.FatLossRevealed.com
He is the author of Priming The Anabolic Environment , Body Building Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed. He is the Consulting Sports Nutrition Editor and a monthly columnist for Physical magazine, Musclemag and an Editor at Large for Power magazine. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
He has been co author of several studies relating to sports nutrition and health found in peer reviewed academic journals, as well as having commentary published in JAMA. He runs the highly popular web site BrinkZone.com which is strategically positioned to fulfill the needs and interests of people with diverse backgrounds and knowledge. The BrinkZone site has a following with many sports nutrition enthusiasts, athletes, fitness professionals, scientists, medical doctors, nutritionists, and interested lay people. William has been invited to lecture on the benefits of weight training and nutrition at conventions and symposiums around the U.S. and Canada, and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs.
William has worked with athletes ranging from professional bodybuilders, golfers, fitness contestants, to police and military personnel.