Resveratrol May Enhance Memory
RANCHO SANTA FE, Calif.– A recent study showed that consuming resveratrol, a key antioxidant found in chocolate and red wine, might be a memory-booster. The study was conducted using a particular form of resveratrol called resVida which is available in the gourmet chocolate bar, The WineTime Bar.
While the new research tested the abilities of elderly mice, the results, say experts, may equally apply to aging baby boomers. In the study the mice were put through a variety of tests after four weeks of supplementation with resveratrol. Researchers headed by Hasan Mohajeri of DSM Nutritional Products concluded resVida significantly improved memory and learning skills in the aged mice. Researchers also found in vitro exposure to resVida significantly protected brain cell function.
Mohajeri said: “These findings suggest resVida supplementation to be a viable approach for delaying age-associated reductions in learning and memory, and therefore may further help to prevent the normally occurring age-associated deterioration of cognitive performance.”
Mohajeri’s study was released at the annual conference of the American Aging Association.
The WineTime Bar is the first food product to contain resveratrol. It is a rich dark chocolate bar with dates and almonds and seven extra superfruits. It is 190 calories, high in fiber, gluten free and dairy free. Each bar contains as much resveratrol as 50 glasses of red wine. In addition to resVida, it is infused with resveratrol from premium red grapes harvested in France’s Rhône Valley.