Fight and prevent inflammation naturally with magnesium

Fight and prevent inflammation naturally with magnesium
by Anthony Gucciardi

While magnesium has always been known to be a very powerful mineral, a study involving 3,713 postmenopausal women has shown that it also possesses amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Magnesium could be of great aid to those who wish to avoid the unreliable and dangerous effects of anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals.

According to the study, inflammatory indicators in the body such as CRP (C-reactive protein), TNF (tumor necrosis factor alpha), and IL6 (interleukin 6) were all reduced when magnesium intake was increased. This means that magnesium plays a direct role in lowering common inflammatory markers, further adding to its beneficial properties.

Inflammation in the walls of the arteries was also reduced in response to an increased intake of magnesium. What this means is with increased intake of magnesium, it is much harder for plaque to form on the lining of the arteries. Since plaque forms due to the inflammation of the arterial lining, this is great news for those who suffer from heart disease or other cardiovascular health problems. Using magnesium regularly may contribute to good circulatory health as well.

However, thanks to an abundance of processed junk foods, the presence of magnesium in the global food supply is diminishing. Modern farming practices also contribute to the lack of magnesium, through overuse of the soil. It is easy to see why many people today are lacking proper levels of magnesium intake, and therefore are subject to inflammatory diseases.

Quality organic fruits and vegetables, however, often contain sufficient amounts of magnesium. Beans and green vegetables are particularly rich in magnesium, and they are available around the world. Unfortunately, a shocking number of people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables.

In fact, it was recently stated that less than 40% of Americans today do not eat enough fruits and vegetables to satisfy their recommended daily intake as set by the government. This recommended daily intake is extremely low, and much more importance should be placed on raw fruits and vegetables.

Inflammation has been tied to countless troubling medical conditions, causing millions to suffer every day. Supplementing with magnesium or even rounding out your diet to include more magnesium-rich foods should be the first step to combating inflammation. Avoid dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals that only exacerbate the problem, and stick to natural solutions.