Bodybuilder Protein Powder Could Increase Life Expectancy by 10 Years

Bodybuilder Protein Powder Could Increase Life Expectancy by 10 Years
by Fiona Macrae

Researchers believe taken from the age of 55 or so, protein powder favoured by body builders could boost the odds of a healthy old age

Researchers believe taken from the age of 55 or so, protein powder favoured by body builders could boost the odds of a healthy old age

A protein powder favoured by body builders could hold the secret of a long and healthy life, scientists believe.

Dissolved in water, the mixture built muscle, boosted fitness and improved balance and co-ordination.

Tantalisingly, the powder, which can be bought from health food shops and online, increased life expectancy by 12 per cent.

The amazing results come from animal experiments, but, in human terms, this would equate to an extra 10 years or so of life.

The Italian researchers believe that taken daily from middle-age, the ‘elixir of life’ powder could help millions look forward to a healthier old age.

Sprinkled on porridge or stirred into milk, it could strengthen weak and worn worn-out muscle, cutting the risk of painful falls and fractures in old age.

Taken in later life, the supplement could give a much-needed energy boost to those with heart, lung and other problems.

Researcher Enzo Nisoli said: ‘I think our data warrant a recommendation that middle-aged people start taking these supplements.’

Professor Nisoli, of Brescia University, give ‘middle-aged’ mice water laced with amino acids – the building blocks of protein.

The three ‘branched-chain’ amino acids used were leucine, isoleucine and valine.

Those given the supplement lived 80 days longer than the average mouse, the journal Cell Metabolism reports.

In human terms, this would increase the average 77.7 lifespan of a British man to 87. And take the average life expectancy for women from 81.9 years to almost 92.

Muscle strength, balance, co-ordination and endurance also improved.

If all that were not enough, the powder, which contains twice as much leucine as isoleucine or valine, does not have any side-effects, says the professor.

Although it is not clear if the supplement, which is already used by body builders and sold under brand names including Aminotrofic, would extend human life, Professor Nisoli believes it could have clear health benefits.

Taken from the age of 55 or so, the protein powder could boost the odds of a healthy old age.

Those who start on it later in life might find that it helps with cardiac problems such as heart failure, and lung problems, and with diabetes.

However, the animal experiments suggest it would be of little or no benefit if taken when young and healthy.

The three amino acids in the powder are found in high quantities in chicken. But taking them in supplement form means they do not have to be digested and can enter the bloodstream immediately.

The professor’s work shows that they boost the number of mitochondria – sausage-shaped powerhouses inside cells which turn food into energy to be used by the brain and body.

They also help protect the body from free-radicals – dangerous oxygen molecules that attack and age the tissue and cells – and ramp up the activity of a gene known to be involved in longevity.

The supplement is one of many potential anti-ageing potions and powders being researched around the world.

Others include a drug called rapamycin, which is current used to suppress the immune system of organ transplant patients, and metformin, a pill already taken by millions of diabetics.