5 Fat-Loss Myths That Are Stopping Your Progress COLD

These five fat-loss lies have been around for years and believing them could be making YOUR fat-loss program a lot less effective. Time to blast them out of the water and get your fat-burning back on track!Fat-loss is a topic that is just rife with myths, misconceptions, incorrect beliefs and outright lies! Here are five common fat-loss myths that could be holding you back from achieving the fast, effective fat-loss your body is actually capable of.

Fat-Loss Myth #1 – Diets Don’t Work

Diets actually quite often DO work (even the Hollywood South Beach Crab Taco Cookie Diet). It’s just what happens AFTER the diet finishes that’s the problem. The metabolism has been slowed down by prolonged low caloric intake without proper training. And then when the person goes back to their “normal” eating, they go back to their NORMAL eating…the eating that added the extra fat in the first place.

I look at a “diet” as a tool and it’s a tool that can be used short-term for a specific purpose.

The LIFESTYLE is what you do when you’re not on a specific diet and THAT is where people generally go wrong and then blame the diet.

Fat-Loss Myth #2 – Eating Very Low-Calorie is Bad For Fat Loss

Another outright myth…eating very low calories (and even complete fasting) can be very GOOD for fat loss. It creates a much bigger caloric deficit, which in turn forces the body to rely on stored fat for energy.

The trick here is that you don’t want to eat very low-calorie like that for LONG…never more than a few days. When you eat very low-calorie for long stretches, THAT is when you run into trouble with metabolic slowdown.

A few days here and there can be a nice kick-start to get fat-loss moving again…just don’t fall in love with the results of a few days and keep doing it too long!

Fat-Loss Myth #3 – “I Want To Get Toned”

NO training is going to get you “toned” because that doesn’t exist. Getting “toned” simply means building muscle and burning fat. You can’t tone a muscle any more than you can paint a cloud. You have to build the muscle to have it and you have burn the fat so you can see it.

“Toning,” to me, is simply a way of describing ineffective training. It’s a person picking up a weight that is not challenging to their muscles and lifting it just enough to completely avoid any discomfort.

And then they wonder why they’re not “toned up” and quit doing anything altogether because they didn’t see any results.

So that’s my public service announcement for the day. Don’t tone…LIFT! And be proud of the muscle you have…it’s what gives your body actual SHAPE and what makes you look like a healthy human being!

Fat-Loss Myth #4 – High-Rep Light Weight Training is the Best Training Style to Burn Fat

Here’s the thing…light weight, high-rep training CAN be effective for burning fat while preserving muscle IF you do it correctly. If you flail around and don’t push yourself, you won’t see results.

In my experience, the BEST training style for fat-loss is a mix of heavier training, to preserve mass and strength, and lighter, high-rep training that focuses on Lactic Acid accumulation.

When Lactic Acid accumulates in the body, this changes the acidity (the pH) in the bloodstream. Your body reacts to this by secreting Growth Hormone, which is a potent fat-burning and muscle-preserving hormone.

The key to achieving THAT result is that you have to push yourself. This isn’t light-weight EASY high-rep training that accomplishes nothing. This is HARD light-weight, high-rep training that burns while you’re doing it, prolongs that burn then makes you end your sets because you can’t hold onto the weight any longer.

THAT is effective high-rep training for fat loss.

Fat-Loss Myth #5 – To Lose Fat You Have to Totally Deprive Yourself of the Foods You Love

Totally wrong. You DO have to CONTROL yourself and not let food control you, but the LAST thing you want to have in your head while you’re dieting is that you’ll never be able to eat the foods you love again.

Because when you starting thinking about that, that is ALL you will be thinking about.

And that is where the concept of the “cheat meal” or “free meal” comes in. When you’re on a fat-loss program, you actually SHOULD have a cheat meal where you eat those foods that you LOVE to eat but are probably terrible for you :). The key is that you PLAN when you eat these foods – you don’t ever let it happen by accident.

A planned cheat is light-years different than giving in to a craving and blowing your diet. A planned cheat puts YOU in control of your food intake.

And the cool thing is, when you’ve been on a restricted eating plan for awhile, that cheat meal will actually SPUR fat loss! I ALWAYS include cheat meals in every fat-loss program I write. You need it mentally and you benefit tremendously from it physically.

When it comes right down to it, knowledge is power. The more you know about effective fat-loss, the more effective your fat-loss programs will be!

Want to Learn About an Incredibly Effective Fat-Loss Program that SHATTERS These 5 Myths?

#1 – It’s a diet that WORKS
#2 – It includes targeted fasting and very low-calorie eating days to accelerate fat loss
#3 – It’s challenging weight training that will literally RESHAPE your body…male, female, young, old…it works on everybody!
#4 – It includes high-rep Lactic Acid Training to boost Growth Hormone and practically MELT the fat off you.
#5 – There are planned cheat meals incorporated right into the program so you always get to enjoy the foods you love!

You need Metabolic Surge – Rapid Fat Loss…

This is a 36-day program designed to force extremely fast fat loss while allowing you to keep and even GAIN muscle. There is NO better way to transform your body FAST.

Metabolic Surge – Rapid Fat Loss

A Fat-Loss Program That Actually Allows You To Build Strength AND Muscle? How Is That Possible?

It’s possible with a scientifically-designed program that harnesses and applies the real power of your own natural metabolism.

With the right training and nutrition, your body is fully capable of building muscle even when on a fat-loss program. You see, your body reacts to certain nutrients and certain training styles in very predictable ways.

By exploiting your body’s natural reactions, the right program not only maximizes the positive fat-burning and muscle-building effects of Growth Hormone, it also maximizes the anabolic effects of Insulin while minimizing Insulin’s possible negative impact on fat burning.

It’s a combination that has the potential to transform your body in a remarkably short period of time!

Click here right now to learn about a groundbreaking new program that does exactly this!

Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
Metabolic Surge – Rapid Fat Loss.

About the Author
Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc. (http://www.fitstep.com).He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing new training techniques for morethan 14 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding eBooks including “Metabolic Surge – Rapid Fat Loss”,“The Best Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of” and “Gluteus to the Maximus: Build a Bigger Butt NOW!”, all available atwww.fitness-ebooks.com.