Bodybuilding Legend Armand Tanny Passed Away

armandtanny_onearmcleanWord from Bill Dobbins is that Bodybuilding Legend Armand Tanny has passed away.

Like many strength athletes of the time, he got his start in Olympic lifting and fared pretty well before making the switch to bodybuilding. One of his favorite lifts was the one arm clean, which he could perform with over 300 pounds — an impressive feat.

The Rochester, New York native won the Pro-Mr. America bodybuilding title in 1950 and the Mr. USA title in 1950. His brother was the Vic Tanny of Vic Tanny’s Gym fame.

Armand Tanny (brother of Vic Tanny) was a very successful bodybuilder in the late 40’s and 50’s, and a regular at the original Santa Monica Muscle Beach scene.

Tanny competed in many major bodybuilding contests and won the Pro-Mr. America in 1950. His favorite exercise was one you don’t often see these days: the one arm clean.