NPC National Judge Pat Moore passes away

I am sorry to say that our good friend Pat Moore passed away early last night. He was known as the “silver fox”. His wife, Jo Jo called last night about 12 o’clock, alone and very emotional, as we can all understand. She said that he had been in ICU and that his heart just stopped working. She said his doctor had only given him two years after the heart surgery, but Pat had made it nine years, so they were thankful for the extra time. I only saw Pat once in all the years without Jo Jo and that was because she was sick.

She did not know of any arrangement until Jeff (Pat’s son) gets there today from Atlanta. She thinks it might be Monday. I will e-mail again when I have the info. For the ones that would like to call or send a card, home number is 228-388-5758 address, 495 Popps Ferry #20, Biloxi, MS 39531

Pat Moore is the one who helped give me a start in bodybuilding 14 years ago. He was a great kind, gentle, and funny man. We will miss him. He judged NPC for over 17 years. He judged our NPC Steel World Bodybuilding, Fitness, and Figure Championships just last year. He was very dedicated to the sport as a former bodybuilder himself. He always wore his bodybuilder gold chain around his neck. Even in bad health you could see his thick chest.