Two of my colleagues, fitness experts and life success coaches Tom Venuto and Jon Benson, recently collaborated and created an absolute masterpiece e-book, unlike anything that has ever been published before in the health, fitness and personal development fields. These are just a few of the comments Tom and Jon have received in response to the preview copies they’ve distributed to select members of the media and publishing community:
“A Cross Between Body For Life And Chicken Soup For The Soul”
“Oprah-Worthy Material”
“I just had to send a quick message to tell you how much I enjoyed the 50 success stories. Amazing! What inspiration! A couple of them made me cry. From out of the ashes of loss rises a wonderful new life.”
“This shouldn’t just be an e-book you guys, this should be on every coffee table in America
This life altering, inspirational new e-book is called:
Fit Over 40: Role Models For Excellence At Any Age
Fit Over 40 is NOT just a health and fitness “how to” book for the over 40 crowd, filled with exercise, nutrition and fitness tips. Fit Over 40 is also an inspirational e-book, profiling 50 amazing human beings who defied the odds and created bodies and levels of fitness and health that would be envied by people 20-30 years their junior!
These “chicken-soup for the soul-style” success stories and before/after transformations have to be seen to be believed! Here are just a few of them:
* A 77-year-old grandmother who trains and competes in bodybuilding with her 48-year-old daughter!
* A 49 year old man who overcame Multiple Sclerosis, and built a body that would impress Arnold Schwarzenegger
* A 46-year-old morbidly obese man from Chicago who lost 130 pounds in one year, and is now a fitness addict who runs in skyscraper stair climbing races (he even runs the Sears Tower race, placing in the top 8% of the field)
* A 55-year-old former skid row alcoholic and drug addict who found rehab and relief from addictions through strength training and exercise
* A “heart-cripple” who literally regenerated 75% of his dead heart tissue and now competes in bodybuilding – at the age of 74! (His tissue regeneration was clinically documented by his amazed and stunned physicians.)
And here’s a preview of the type of body-transforming, youth-restoring information you’ll learn in Tom and Jon’s chapters:
* How to rebuild your body to the muscularity of a 20 or 30 year old – or, just tighten up the “mushy spots” that you thought it was too late to do anything about.
* How to experience an energy explosion, re-charge your metabolic engine, burn calories at an accelerated rate and feel like a teenager again!
* How to melt inches and pounds off your body, by accelerating your metabolic rate and releasing a flood of youth restoring growth hormone – naturally
* How to get super-motivated instantly, change self-limiting beliefs and build up your confidence and certainty, no matter how old or out of shape you are.
But wait – there’s even more! As a part of Tom and Jon’s time sensitive introductory 3-day book launch promotion, you will receive bonus gifts valued at over $983.85! (you can see the entire bonus package on the fit over 40 website; URL below)
This is only a 72 hour offer starting Wednesday, February 23rd and ending at midnight, February 25th. Time is of the essence. I urge you to look at this now!
To get all the details immediately go

To your health and success!